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Welcome to CEYLC2021

We're extremely excited about this year's Christian Education Youth Leadership Congress! It's packed with powerful worship experiences, noon-day preaching, evening learning labs and a special concert featuring gospel recording artist JJ Hairston! In this virtual conference model, you'll be able to enjoy the excitement from wherever you are! The Department of Christian Education, under the direction of Rev. James C. Givens has prepared an amazing lineup of speakers and presenters! We are excited to present our newly appointed Episcopal Leaders, Bishop Frank Madison Reid, III and Supervisor Marlaa Ma'Shon Hall Reid! We know you're ready for the excitement!

Congress Schedule

Monday, July 26

7:03pm - Opening Worship Encounter

Bishop Marvin Clyde Zanders, II

Presiding Prelate, Sixteenth Episcopal District, AME Church


Tuesday, July 27

12pm Noon - The Hour of Power Worship Experience

The Rev. Charles E. Goodman, Jr., DMin

Senior Pastor, The Historic Tabernacle Baptist Church

Augusta, Georgia


5:45pm - Devotion & Greetings

The Reverend Kevin Desire, Episcopal MCAM Director

The Reverend James C. Givens, Episcopal CED

Director Supervisor Marlaa’ Me’Shon Hall Reid

Bishop Frank Madison Reid, III


6:00pm - Virtual Learning Lab 1: Service

7:15pm - Virtual Learning Lab 2: Study

8:15pm - Evaluation


Wednesday, July 28

12pm Noon - The Hour of Power Worship Experience

The Reverend Danielle Brown, DMin

Senior Pastor | Church Life Cathedral International

Perth Amboy, New Jersey


5:45pm - Devotion

Dr. Ethel Wellington-Trawick, Episcopal MCAM Assoc. Director


6:00pm - Virtual Learning Lab 3: Social Justice

7:15pm - Virtual Learning Lab 4: Solidarity

8:15pm - Evaluation


Thursday, July 29

12pm Noon - The Hour of Power Worship Experience

Elder Mark Moore, Jr.

Pastoral Assistant | Faith Covenant Church

Atlanta, Georgia


5:45pm - Devotion

The Rev. Kevin Desire, Episcopal MCAM Director

Dr. Ethel Wellington-Trawick, Episcopal MCAM Director


6:00pm - Virtual Learning Lab 3: Selfcare

7:00pm - Evaluation

7:15pm - The Episcopal Word

Bishop Frank Madison Reid, III

7:45pm - Virtual Gospel Concert

JJ Hairston, Gospel Recording Artist


Learning Labs

“All Together N.O.W."

New Opportunities for Witness/Worship

Tuesday at 6:00pm

Adult Presenters

Mrs. Laurastine Lemon

Mrs. Patricia Wright

The Rev. Anton Elwood, DMin

Convener: The Rev. Willie Merrick


Youth Presenters

Mrs. Timika Fountain-Coney

Ms. Ashley Blakely

The Rev. AnneMarie Mingo, PhD

Convener: The Rev. Michael Clark

Tuesday at 7:15pm

Adult Presenters

The Rev. Kenneth Hill, PhD

Roberta Hill, EdD

Convener: Catherine Powell, EdD


Youth Presenters

Mrs. Donna Sweeting

Mrs. Angel Robinson

Convener: The Rev. Paula Lake, DMin

Wednesday at 6:00pm

Adult Presenters

Congresswoman Val Demings

Benjamin Crump, Esq.

Desmond Meade, Esq.

The Rev. Ron Rawls, Jr. Convener: Domonique Mortimer, Esq.


Youth Presenters

Ms. Tamika D. Mallory

Convener: The Rev. Nathaniel Robinson, III

Wednesday at 7:15pm

Adult Presenters

The Rev. Kenneth F. Irby

Convener: The Rev. Reginald B.C. Johnson


Youth Presenters

The Rev. Robert Jackson, III, DMin Convener: Tracy D. Jackson, EdD

Thursday at 6:00pm

Adult Presenters

The Rev. Sha’Leda A. Mirra, MS, MSW, MDiv, PhD, LCSW, CAP

Convener: Mr. Christian Turner


Youth Presenters

Calvina Clay, PhD

Ms. Shamona McFadden

Convener: Ms. Briana Robinson

In His writings to the Corinthian church, Paul taught that everyone who is called to Christ
is also called to serve. All ministry is the Lord's work: God assigns the tasks and uniquely
gifts a variety of individuals to work together to fulfill His plan, for His glory. The fact that
our works are done in the service of God is not enough, by itself, to prevent us from losing
our interior life if we let them devour all our time and all our strength. Work is good and
necessary, but too much of it renders the soul insensitive to spiritual values, hardens the
heart against prayer and divine things. It requires serious effort and courageous sacrifice
to resist this hardening of heart. The world is in desperate need of Christians willing to
show the love of Christ through their actions. Jesus said the second greatest
commandment was to love others—not sentimentally, but tangibly. Every action
performed out of kindness, powered by the understanding of Christ and His love, is
Christian service. This workshop will offer participants a look at the attitude of a servant
and the danger of service alone. Humility and a willingness to put the needs of others
ahead of oneself are essential to being a Christian servant. This workshop aims to guide
everyone to see that we are all Leaders in this journey and that we are all responsible to
each other for exhibiting Christian service.




The collaboration with teachers, superintendents, Christian education directors, pastors, presiding elders, and others helped to create the effective Bible Discovery Hour that we have today. We can build on this success by sharing best practices with each other as we continue teaching the Word of God. With this kind of caring commitment, we will exemplify our creed of growing and growing. This workshop will offer best practices for sustaining and improving Bible Discovery Hour across the 11th Episcopal District. The workshop leaders will offer suggestions and facilitate discussion among attendees who have observed and implemented successful practices in their local churches. Collaboration, consistency, and caring commitment are essential to the success of Bible Discovery Hour.





Social Justice

"Picket lines and picket signs, don't punish me with brutality...” These words were penned by the legendary Marvin Gaye, not thirty, not forty, but fifty years ago! Yet, it speaks to our present reality: the fact that we have to exercise our rights to be politically active without fear of violent retribution. The Black Church has historically been the leaders in social protest and change in our communities. Much of the progress that we have made as a society is because of the strong voice of our Zion. At a time when there is so many issues that continue to polarize us, we must find ways to continue to be the voice that cries out in the wilderness so that we can help better the lives of our children. This learning lab explores ways in which the church can impact our country’s policies in order to fulfill theBiblical mandate to do right, seek justice, defend the oppressed, take up the cause of the fatherless and plead the case of the widow. Specifically, the learning lab will offer strategies the church can implement to mobilize its voice to end voter suppression for good.



AME University - It's A Different World. As the church delves into courageous
conversations considering returning to physical worship, everyone wants to know is
"What are we going back to?" We've pivoted to embrace live-streaming with lights,
cameras and even pre-production like never before, but does that contemporary
presentation truly fit the preferred worship style of African Methodism? What parts of
our traditional liturgy should remain as standard in our weekly worship experiences? And
can somebody actually explain why and how this all got started in the first place? In this
intergenerational conversation, participants will explore these topics and more in a fun,
informative and engaging presentation for all ages!'s the questions you've
always wanted to ask and the answers you've been waiting for! This time, we'll all have a
deeper appreciation for "The Church of Allen" and it's relevance in the context of today's
"new normal".





The Webster dictionary defines "Self-Care" as the practice of taking action to preserve or improve one's own health. Unfortunately, in many cases, there is a stigma associated with mental health. Often overshadowed by mental illness, if one speaks on mental health, he or she must certainly be mentally ill. This must be changed. For many, being alone, isolated and on lockdown during this unexpected pandemic was the final and unneeded breaking point. This learning lab will serve as the final part of the 3-part Mental Health series for Young Adults. In this learning lab, participants will learn best practices for managing life and ministry and managing expectation overload as a young adult. The workshop facilitator(s) will offer professional advice, best practices, and takeaways that can be used and implemented on all levels. Our commitment to young adults in the 11th episcopal district is to assist with implementing best practices for not only a healthy mind, but also a healthy body and spirit.

In His writings to the Corinthian church, Paul taught that everyone who is called to Christ
is also called to serve. All ministry is the Lord's work: God assigns the tasks and uniquely
gifts a variety of individuals to work together to fulfill His plan, for His glory. The fact that
our works are done in the service of God is not enough, by itself, to prevent us from losing
our interior life if we let them devour all our time and all our strength. Work is good and
necessary, but too much of it renders the soul insensitive to spiritual values, hardens the
heart against prayer and divine things. It requires serious effort and courageous sacrifice
to resist this hardening of heart. The world is in desperate need of Christians willing to
show the love of Christ through their actions. Jesus said the second greatest
commandment was to love others—not sentimentally, but tangibly. Every action
performed out of kindness, powered by the understanding of Christ and His love, is
Christian service. This workshop will offer participants a look at the attitude of a servant
and the danger of service alone. Humility and a willingness to put the needs of others
ahead of oneself are essential to being a Christian servant. This workshop aims to guide
everyone to see that we are all Leaders in this journey and that we are all responsible to
each other for exhibiting Christian service.




The collaboration with teachers, superintendents, Christian education directors, pastors, presiding elders, and others helped to create the effective Bible Discovery Hour that we have today. We can build on this success by sharing best practices with each other as we continue teaching the Word of God. With this kind of caring commitment, we will exemplify our creed of growing and growing. This workshop will offer best practices for sustaining and improving Bible Discovery Hour across the 11th Episcopal District. The workshop leaders will offer suggestions and facilitate discussion among attendees who have observed and implemented successful practices in their local churches. Collaboration, consistency, and caring commitment are essential to the success of Bible Discovery Hour.





Social Justice

"Picket lines and picket signs, don't punish me with brutality...” These words were penned by the legendary Marvin Gaye, not thirty, not forty, but fifty years ago! Yet, it speaks to our present reality: the fact that we have to exercise our rights to be politically active without fear of violent retribution. The Black Church has historically been the leaders in social protest and change in our communities. Much of the progress that we have made as a society is because of the strong voice of our Zion. At a time when there is so many issues that continue to polarize us, we must find ways to continue to be the voice that cries out in the wilderness so that we can help better the lives of our children. This learning lab explores ways in which the church can impact our country’s policies in order to fulfill theBiblical mandate to do right, seek justice, defend the oppressed, take up the cause of the fatherless and plead the case of the widow. Specifically, the learning lab will offer strategies the church can implement to mobilize its voice to end voter suppression for good.



AME University - It's A Different World. As the church delves into courageous
conversations considering returning to physical worship, everyone wants to know is
"What are we going back to?" We've pivoted to embrace live-streaming with lights,
cameras and even pre-production like never before, but does that contemporary
presentation truly fit the preferred worship style of African Methodism? What parts of
our traditional liturgy should remain as standard in our weekly worship experiences? And
can somebody actually explain why and how this all got started in the first place? In this
intergenerational conversation, participants will explore these topics and more in a fun,
informative and engaging presentation for all ages!'s the questions you've
always wanted to ask and the answers you've been waiting for! This time, we'll all have a
deeper appreciation for "The Church of Allen" and it's relevance in the context of today's
"new normal".





The Webster dictionary defines "Self-Care" as the practice of taking action to preserve or improve one's own health. Unfortunately, in many cases, there is a stigma associated with mental health. Often overshadowed by mental illness, if one speaks on mental health, he or she must certainly be mentally ill. This must be changed. For many, being alone, isolated and on lockdown during this unexpected pandemic was the final and unneeded breaking point. This learning lab will serve as the final part of the 3-part Mental Health series for Young Adults. In this learning lab, participants will learn best practices for managing life and ministry and managing expectation overload as a young adult. The workshop facilitator(s) will offer professional advice, best practices, and takeaways that can be used and implemented on all levels. Our commitment to young adults in the 11th episcopal district is to assist with implementing best practices for not only a healthy mind, but also a healthy body and spirit.

Congress Preachers

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Monday at 7:15pm

Bishop Marvin C. Zanders

Bishop Marvin Clyde Zanders, II is the 140th Elected and Consecrated Bishop of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. He currently serves as the anointed, charismatic, energetic, and innovative Presiding Prelate of the 16th Episcopal District of the AME Church. This man of God has been used by the Spirit of the Lord to teach, touch, and transform lives for the Kingdom of God. He is the offspring of the late Marvin C. Zanders, Sr. and Mrs. Jacquelyn Johnson Bain. A native of Orlando, Florida, he attended the public schools of Orange County, finishing from Edgewater High School. He received his academic preparation from Morehouse College and The Turner Theological Seminary at The Interdenominational Theological Center, both in Atlanta, Georgia.


Bishop Zanders was previously on assignment at Saint Paul African Methodist Episcopal Church of Jacksonville, Florida. Since his appointment there on November 18, 2000, the ministry has experienced much growth and development for the good of God’s people. A strong emphasis on prayer and stewardship enabled the congregation to liquidate a $2.5 million dollar mortgage three years ahead of time. He also teaches the congregation that they are blessed to be a blessing. The fruit of that teaching is evident in the strong community outreach ministries of the church that include; summer camps, community forums, health symposiums, radio broadcasts, and other opportunities for “Sharing Christ and Meeting Needs”.

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Tuesday Noon Hour of Power Experience

The Reverend Dr. Charles E. Goodman, Jr.

The Reverend Dr. Charles E. Goodman, Jr. celebrates 14 years as the Senior Pastor and Teacher of The Historic Tabernacle Baptist Church of Augusta, Georgia. Under his dynamic visionary leadership, one church, in multiple locations was birthed which now encompasses more than 10,000 TABGlobal worshippers weekly.


Dr. Goodman serves as an adjunct professor/mentor at institutions of higher learning. He is also a content contributor to many ministry publications and has authored four books: “You Can’t Run from Purpose,” “Road to Recovery,” “The Flip Side of Favor” and “It’s Complicated.”


A native of Greensboro, NC, Pastor Goodman comes from a faith-built foundation demonstrated to him by his grandparents, Deacon Ernest and Mrs. Charlotte Swann, who raised him. Affectionately known as “PG” by his congregation, he is well-respected in his community. He is member of Omega Psi Phi and Sigma Pi Phi fraternities.


Amazed by His grace and love, Dr. Charles E. Goodman, Jr. is a most sought-after speaker, revivalist, and lecturer.

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Wednesday Noon Hour of Power Experience

The Reverend Dr. Danielle Brown

Saved and filled with the Holy Ghost at an early age, The Reverend Dr. Danielle L. Brown finds great joy and satisfaction in learning, living, and preaching the Gospel. Rev. Dr. Brown was Licensed to preach on July 17, 2003 by Cathedral International (The Historic Second Baptist Church) in Perth Amboy, New Jersey, and ordained by the American Baptist Churches and the Covenant Ecumenical Fellowship and Cathedral Assemblies on June 3, 2012. An increasingly sought-after preacher and workshop leader with the ability to communicate across multiple generations, Dr. Brown has had the opportunity to share the Gospel in various states and South Africa.


Educated in the Perth Amboy Public Schools, Rev. Brown went on to attend Virginia State University where she was a Provost Scholar and three-sport athlete. After teaching in the Richmond Public Schools, Rev. Brown responded to God’s call to return to her hometown and the church of her rearing. Currently, she serves as the Pastor of Church Life there at Cathedral International where Bishop Donald Hilliard, Jr., is the Senior Pastor.


A natural leader, Rev. Dr. Brown has served in various capacities where she has worked to develop and implement ministry programs and strategies. She also has a passion for mentoring and assisting in the development of faith and community leaders. As such, she has served as a site supervisor in the Princeton Theological Seminary, New Brunswick Theological Seminary, and Pillar College Field Education Programs. She has also taught on the adjunct faculty of New York Theological Seminary and is currently serving a second term on the Board of Trustees of New Brunswick Theological Seminary. Dr. Brown is active with the Raritan Association of the American Baptist Churches of New Jersey where she has served on the Ordination Committee and as past Moderator. In addition to her ecclesiastical work, Dr. Brown is active in her local community. She is a member of the Perth Amboy Area NAACP, has served on the Mayor’s Strategic Planning Team in the City of Perth Amboy, and is a member of the Perth Amboy Board of Education. Most recently, Dr. Brown was appointed to the Board of the Women in Ministry Conference, Inc. convened by The Rev. Dr. Cynthia L. Hale in Atlanta, GA. Through the years, Dr. Brown has been the recipient of multiple awards and recognitions for her work in the church and community.


Both servant and scholar, Rev. Dr. Brown holds Master of Education and Bachelor of Science Degrees from Virginia State University in Petersburg, Virginia; and both a Master of Divinity Degree, and a Master of Arts Degree from New Brunswick Theological Seminary in New Brunswick, New Jersey. She also holds an earned Doctor of Ministry Degree from Palmer Theological Seminary in Easton, Pennsylvania, where she studied Leadership and Church Renewal.


Rev. Dr. Brown loves God, God’s Church, and God’s people. She counts it an honor and a privilege to serve.

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Thursday Noon Hour of Power Experience

Elder Mark Moore, Jr.

Mark A. Moore, Jr. resides in Atlanta, GA, where he is a graduate of Morehouse College, having obtained his Bachelor of Arts Degree in Sociology. He is blessed to serve as the Pastoral Assistant of Faith Covenant Church under the pastorate of his father, Bishop Mark A. Moore, Sr. as well as the National Youth President for the Apostolic Assemblies of Christ, Inc. He has also been honored by The Youth Gospel Choice Awards as the Chosen Youth Pastor of the Year. In addition to these responsibilities, he is emerging as one of his generation’s premier thought leaders in the areas of ministry branding & strategic social media and he is passionate about the opportunity to share with others. He has hosted three successful Young Leader Retreats with registrants from the U.S., Canada, The Bahamas, Africa & the Middle East and he is growing his International scope.


Born to a legacy of preachers five generations deep, and having received the gift of the Holy Ghost at age six, he acknowledged his call to the ministry at the age of 18. Since that time, God has used him to travel across the country preaching and teaching the unadulterated Word of God across denominational lines resulting in the lives of countless souls being touched. God has blessed him to preach with an unquestionable anointing while delivering thought provoking, timely messages that transcend age, color or denominational background.

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Thursday Night Closing Worship Experience

Bishop Frank Madison Reid, III

The Right Rev. Frank Madison Reid, III is the Presiding Prelate of the Eleventh Episcopal District, serving as Bishop for Florida and the Bahamas. Reid is an author, teacher, preacher, community leader, and motivational speaker. Reid served congregations in North Carolina, California, and Maryland, and taught at Monrovia College in Liberia. He holds a Bachelor of History from Yale University, a Master of Divinity from Harvard College, and a Doctor of Ministry from United Theological Seminary. African Methodist Episcopal. Columbus, Ohio.

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Thursday Night Concert Experience

J.J. Hairston

J.J. Hairston and Youthful Praise (affectionately known as YP) continue to make waves in the Gospel Music Industry while garnering national and international recognition. Founded in 1991, the once 35-member church choir from Bridgeport, CT has transformed into a Billboard chart topping national gospel artist.


Recently, J.J. Hairston & YP have garnered much success with the release of “You Deserve It,” an infectious worship song that has taken the nation by storm.


The single was named #1 in 2017 by Billboard Magazine on four charts: The Hot Gospel Songs Chart, Hot Gospel Song Artists Chart, the Gospel Air Play Chart, and the Gospel Digital Songs Chart.


This year Hairston and the group have won 6 Stellar Gospel Music Awards, a Billboard Music Award, and an ASCAP Rhythm & Soul Award. JJ Hairston and Youthful Praise were also nominated for a 2018 GRAMMY for Best Gospel Performance/Song.


Youthful Praise has performed on several national platforms in including, Good Morning America, the McDonald’s Inspiration Celebration Gospel Tour, the Stellar Gospel Music Awards, T.D. Jakes’ MegaFest, and Essence Music Festival to name a few.


Currently, Hairston is co-headlining the 2018 McDonald's Inspiration Celebration Gospel Tour. He also has just launched a new syndicated radio show, Youthful Praise with JJ Hairston, and he is preparing for the summer 2018 publication of his new book, "Amazing Love," with his wife, Trina.


JJ Hairston is the new CEO and founder of Jamestown Music. This new label is exclusively distributed by Nashville-based Entertainment One. Hairston’s goal is to continue to develop music through this new venture that can be used as a tool for audiences everywhere to develop their personal relationship with God.

Congress Schedule
Learning Labs
Congress Preachers
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